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Saturday, 8 October 2011

TAOP Exercise: Multiple Points

Here we are to arrange a collection of objects in the frame seeking the most effective and or pleasing arrangement of the 'points'. I have omitted uploading the sequence of adding one item at a time as this didn't work for me, instead I re-arranged the collective until I found the most pleasing arrangement to my eye.

I tried implied lines, triangles and attempted to make the arrangement dynamic, here are the 6 main arrangements.







I am torn between two of these. Numbers 1 and 6. Both have an element of purpose , the arrangements look even and in both cases there are implied lines and direction of movement. In 1 the chess pieces seem separate but to compliment the two bottles. Hoever in 6, all objects appear to belong together but arrange almost in rank and file.

I think overall, I would opt for 1. We have shapes here, lines, rhythm, dynamics and the whole frame is used well. It just lacks evenness with the king piece top left not quite spaced correctly.

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