Here we demonstrate the benefits of diffusing artificial light. I set up a simple still life, I chose an object that had some shiny surface and a good combination of curve and straight to emphasise the way the light plays.
The first frame here is lit using a mixture of subtle natural light from a room during an overcast day. I also set a speed light shooting from above camera right at 45 degrees. We can see that this shot is well exposed, maybe slightly over exposed. We note bright reflected highlights to the head of the dale and a hard shadow falling behind the object. It is a fine image in its own right nothing particularly wrong with it but the light is hard and some aesthetic effect is lost by the bright hard presentation of the object.
50mm, f5.6, 1/125, ISO 200 - Bare single speed light
The same shot, same camera settings. I simply covered the light modifier with a fabric diffuser.
I note a better exposure, softer shadows and the highlight catch points have softer less harsh highlights. The Image is simply more controlled and pleasing. The absence of hard shadow reduces distraction.
50mm, f5.6, 1/125, ISO 200 - Diffused single speed light
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