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Saturday, 8 October 2011

TAOP Exercise: Focal Lengths

The object of the exercise is to appreciate the use of different focal lengths of lenses. Shooting the same scene we can create quite different images depending on the focal length we use. Here I took a sequence of the same scene from a minimal focal length of 24mm through to my maximum carried 200mm.

The wide angle view, the 24mm is a basic composition of the whole scene I am presented with. As I worked my way through the different focal lengths I look to frame the shot in a different way rather than to remain central as we did in a previous exercise. This shows us how we can use the longer lengths to our advantage by creating new compositions from within our original one. Below are examples of the two extremes.

24-70mm f2.8 @ 24mm

80-200mm f2.8 @ 200mm

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