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Saturday, 8 October 2011

TAOP Exercise: Balance

The object here was to understand and demonstrate the use of balance within the photograph. I was tough on myself here by selecting a series of recently taken photographs that were not taken with this exercise in mind, this series of 5 shots were the exact 5 delivered so no special selection here. Therefore here we study my own work and natural (or not) use of balance within the compositions. These shots were taken for a charity event whereby a building was lined, solely with Argos Catalogues in a bid to demonstrate the importance of recycling. I took these shots, in my normal manner as if for a customer to capture some events of the construction. So what we should see here is my natural, unthinking use of balance on this occasion.

I think there is some balance in all of these shots, in some it is stronger than others but the basic process of arranging points in balance with each other within the compositions is apparent. Of course, when you are tasked on a specific project the opportunity for balance may not always be there for you. There may be a very specific brief that allows only for the use of a single subject filling the frame, however there will always be a little room for balance here too as most forms we might photograph should have detail within them that could also be balanced to a degree.

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