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Saturday, 8 October 2011

TAOP Exercise: Positioning the Horizon

Here we will take a tries of shots of a basic scene and we shall adjust the horizon to sit at differing points vertically within the shot. The idea is to practice this and to examine the results to determine what works and what does not.

The series of shots follows.

The outcome depends, for me, a great deal on the scene and what I as a photographer was trying to achieve. After all, what is my subject here? Is it the tree line to the left? the dead stumps lower left? of the dim sky? Well, it definitely isn't the sky, in fact my sole purpose here was to simply get this scene photographed in the most pleasing way and for me the final shot is the most pleasing. The horizon sits very high emphasising the textured shore and interesting dead tree stumps. We have more to admire here and the high horizon adds interest and allows the viewer to look 'through' the photograph, it has more depth this way.

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