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Saturday, 10 November 2012


This is my image for the one shot assignment 'rain'

For me this image was quickly made but it encompasses so much of what I have learned.  I wanted to keep away from the obvious and photograph an aspect of rain rather than rain itself. Rain is collected, in various ways then channeled into other flows and directions and to becomes something else. It becomes a puddle, or a flood, or a river, an ocean? yet it is still the rain, the same rain that fell not he roof. All things flow.

I wanted to freeze the movement of the water falling front he drain, I wanted to create tension and here it is established by the water missing the drain at the base. 

This image was made hand held, with the intentional use of a very shallow depth of field. It was very difficult to capture, I shot 15 frames before I got it as I had visualised. 

I use careful thought with the positioning of the main points and allow the falling water to establish a relationship between them. 

I felt the use of black and white gave a sense of timelessness, rain is timeless.

85mm, f1.4, 1/3000sec

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